The protagonist is walking through the entrance of Richmond Park and is talking directly to the camera.
Harley: “I’ve had enough of boys. My last three have been absolute jokes! First there was James, he was with me...and about three other girls too! Then Connor, he was beautiful but he kissed like a bloody hoover. He had to go. Finally, there was my most recent boyfriend Nathan. Don’t even get me started on him. I mean, everything started out great. At the beginning he was lovely and I really liked him.
Harley (Voiceover): He used to take me out to all these posh restaurants and surprise me all the time. He even bought me this beautiful necklace. He was THE most perfect boyfriend.
Cutaway shows the couple walking along Richmond Bridge holding hands and the boyfriend giving his girlfriend a necklace.
Harley: But then, he started to get a bit...controlling. It started out innocent enough like a few texts here and there to see where I was...
Harley (Voiceover): It started out innocent enough like a few texts here and there to see where I was...but eventually he got more possessive, starting full blow arguments just because I went out with my friends! I couldn’t deal with it anymore. I had to end it.
Cutaway shows protagonist and her friends dressed up ready to go out, laughing around at a bus stop. Protagonist then walks away and is having an argument with boyfriend on her phone. Argument is made obvious by body language and facial expressions.
End of Cutaway
Harley: I wanted to remain friends with him but he made it impossible. He was practically stalking me...turning up everywhere I went, begging me to get back with him. I mean babe...get over it!
Harley (Voiceover): Anyways last night I was on my way back from Stacey’s house and he turned up accusing me of cheating on him when we were together.
Cutaway shows protagonist walking through park on the phone unaware that her ex-boyfriend is watching her
End of Cutaway
Harley: I told him he was mad and that my biggest regret was ever going out with him. That’s when flipped...Look what the psycho did to me.